Sisters Forever

How I dealt with loneliness when my sister left home

For many years my big sister was my best friend. We did everything together. We dressed alike, loved the same food and the same kind of movies. She even taught me how to read and write. My parents could only afford to send one of us to school so she taught me everything I know today. Even when my period came for the first time, she taught me what to do. I love her so so so much.

Anyways, when she got married things changed. She had to move to another town with her husband. It’s 7 hours away from me and my parents. As I didn’t go to school she was my only friend for the longest time. Now she was going away and I had no idea when next I would see her.

When she left I stayed in my room because I felt like there was no one else to talk to. My mum tried to drag me out with her but I never felt like going. One day she insisted I follow her to the market to help her buy food for the house. When we got to a stall she spent ages talking to Mama Gloria who sold vegetables. I sat in the corner looking bored until a girl who looked like my age came up and tapped me on the shoulder. She was Belinda, Mama Gloria’s daughter.

We got talking and turns out we had a lot in common. Her older sister left home last year so now she’s the only child at home. When I asked her how she coped with the loneliness she gave me the best advice ever! Here’s what she said:

  • Your sister leaving home doesn’t mean she stops being your sister. We all eventually grow older and leave home. Rather than dwelling on her absence, try and remember all the good times you had together. You are sisters forever.

  • Even when you think you are alone you’re never actually alone. There are other girls in a similar situation to you who understand how you feel. You can build strong friendships by connecting with them.

  • Hiding away from everyone when you feel lonely is never a good idea. Friends are here to make you feel better so surround yourself with funny and kind people. Even if you have no friends from school, make friends with girls on your street or in your community.

I listened to Belinda’s advice and now I feel so much better. The loneliness is gone and I’m glad to have made new friends!

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