Discover a new you!

For your best year yet

It’s a brand new year, a perfect time to reflect and set goals for the year ahead. Is there something you’ve been meaning to start or get better at?

Whether you want to get better at public speaking, make a new friend, try a new sport or start your own business - all your dreams are possible!

Starting something new can feel a little scary, but here are some tips of how to get to the finish line of your dreams.

1. Start at the start

If your dream is to be an astronaut - your first step won’t be to shoot into space. It might be putting your hand up more in science class.

Big change takes time, so go at a realistic pace. Write down three small steps that you can take to get started today. Don’t forget to celebrate your wins along the way!

2. Lean into discomfort

Your comfortable zone is a nice place to be. But it’s hard for you to grow if you never step outside it. Challenging yourself feels a bit icky - your mind might rush with thoughts like ‘what if I fail’ or ‘what if I look or sound stupid’. Know that this is your comfort zone talking. So next time you have these thoughts, just say to yourself ‘thanks for trying to protect me - but I’ve got this’.

3. Seek out support

Learning from people who you admire is the best way to learn a new skill. Most people love to talk about what they are passionate about, and will be happy to teach you what they know. Reach out by saying how much you respect what they do.

4. Accept a stumble or two

Even the most confident person had to practice to get to where they are. Everyone who takes a few steps stumbles on the path to their dreams.

Maybe you try out for a new sport team and don’t make it the first time - that’s natural and every stumble just means you have more time to practice.

The most important thing you can do is to not give up and give yourself time, you will get there!

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